Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Future in doubt!

Well today we had a test. It went.

More important than the assessment of my intellectual capacity however is the patient confidentiality and privacy session we had after it... At the end of the session I asked about the policy on blogging - something I had raised several times with other trainers only to be told I should bring it up in this session. The overall picture was they didn't want it.

Tom Reynolds, a Paramedic who also blogs on the side, provided a lot of inspiration to me and was a large factor in my decision to start this blog. A fair while ago he posted on this exact issue, and this is something I'm currently using (along with a few other bits and pieces of information) to appeal this decision.

Essentially at the moment I can blog about my thoughts and views on certain topics providing they are exactly that, and I distance myself and my opinions from any service of an ambulatory nature. I am not to discuss anything to do with any patient work I may or may not have/will come across until this issue is decided.

Rest assured even if this decision is made going against my views, this blog will continue. I will still have my little vent in here about the general life, but no 'work related' issues will be brought up. I will continue to discuss medical issues and may even be able to slip in an 'example of a hypothetical situation' from time to time providing I have distanced my thoughts and views from the service.

Frustrated? Me too - but I'd rather be working towards a solution to this than hitting my head against a brick wall, so expect the next post Saturday as usual!

1 comment:

Vonbon said...

Hmmm... Maybe I should be more careful with my content...