Wednesday 16 April 2008

Cool little things...

One of the cool things about my course right now is that I'm backwards diagnosing some of my old patients...

Boy with big floppy ankle? Oh - he had a Potts fracture! Lovely old lady with Angina? Unresponsive to her sublingual spray and duration of pain makes that a possible AMI (and makes me very happy I called the ambulance!). Carpal spasm? Hypoventilation due to drug use!

You get the point...

Looking back on most of the patients I don't think I'd have done anything differently back then... which is a good thing I think... Doing it now, I'd do a lot more - but only because now I have that extra training, knowledge and resources I'd be more confident in my treatments. There were times when I wished I could administer advanced pain relief, confidently read an ECG or even just move the patient in some circumstances - none of which I was legally allowed to do with St John.

I guess my point today is this; from here on in I'll get to do all of the cool little things that make big differences in patient comfort and outcome...

Until of course I go up the next training scale and look back again!

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