Wednesday 4 June 2008

Lights and sirens

The terminal flashes, another call has come in. It wasn't the first for the day and we knew it wouldn't be the last. Traffic is swelling as the day wears on towards peak hour. It's a 1B. Lights and sirens. We turn into a shining beacon of hope, a wailing beast cutting its way through the populous.

"Cherries." she says simply. "I like nougat with cherries."

Breathing problems. Pt is alert and oriented, severe respiratory distress.

"I've always preferred almonds." he replies, a vague look on his face as if he were remembering a nougat long ago.

"Chocolate." I contribute, "The best nougat is always coated in chocolate."

I can see I have impressed them. A smile spreads across her face and a fond grin on his. I was the third person on crew before being placed into probation, the ride along. I quickly discovered that the intense look on a paramedics face when driving is usually unrelated to the job, and I laugh at how much fun I'm having in this new job.

We race towards the patient, hoping to do whatever we can to make sure they survive another day.

After all, we don't know nougat do they like.

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